Yay for Grace! She have any opinions on it?
I listened to two 10 year oldish boys natter on about minecraft while watching the fireworks on the 4th. My brain kinda glazed over. But I happen to know that this is true of many conversational topics between kids that age.
She likes the speaking valve now. She's much louder with it on, which is nice. She'll need to wear it to school next year.
Go Grace!!!
I'm a happy Suzi, watching the Home Run Derby.
I am pretty sure my hammock has magical mental healing powers. 10 minutes in and I no longer care my day was full of poo
Hammocks are awesome.
I just took a lukewarm bath in the dark with the fan blowing, and had a Tinto (red wine and Fresca) and a cigarette and the Eagles on. It was heaven.
Who the hell died and made me vegan? I got up to get some yoghurt and granola, and my stomach was very insistent on what it would not brook.
And this is after fruit salad for lunch.
(I'm not really vegan! I had milk *and* buttermilk in my porridge this morning! But I haven't had meat since Friday...THERE IS TASTY CHICKEN IN MY FRIDGE. COME BACK TO ME APPETITE. I FORGIVE YOU.)
ita, how are things going with the low glycemic thing?
Go Gracie!
he did sexual assault one of his family members for 10 years. This is among his violent acts besides assaulting a police officer.
Seriously? How does this not weigh against him?!
I can't take all the assholery!!!!! Aaaaaaaaaagh!!!!!!!!!!!!