They have small kids! What does this mean??
Me? My father had a lot of travel in his job, obviously, but he had at least one posting where we didn't follow him for a year.
Want to know what that explains? Everything.
Of course!
You're probably assuming a rational level of granola. No such assumption is yet borne out in practice, but if most of the popsicle is made of stuff that doesn't freeze, rations will need re-examination.
I'd love a spinach cheese popsicle. That too, right?
Great for the dog!
I mean, of course people live apart because of all kinds of circumstances, but it does make me a little nervous about the coworker. She's a Big Deal at my job, so I can't imagine she was leaving, but... why is his job moving across the country? It is currently in DC! The whole thing is offputting. Mostly because I work in a place where I learn things like this from the (industry) news.
Spinach + cheese Popsicle= big yes from me, please.
Gah. I fucked up and left brunch too late for the ferry I wanted but too early to turn back and still make the later ferry. Good times for the time I was there, though!
So a newish fun thing with my fibro -everytime a weather front moves through - I get massive headache and my whole body hurts. So I slept from 11pm last night to 3pm !!!! ANd my head still hurts. I should probably take an advil?
Ouch, msbelle. And yes, always take an advil!
Speaking as someone who habitually forgets about painkillers, yeah take an Advil.
yeah no shit. I grin and bear it and then forget that pain meds take 30+ minutes to kick in.
I am questioning the wisdom of watching "Mystic River" given the mood I'm in. If you see a woman on the evening news hitting herself with a lash, that is most likely me.
So a newish fun thing with my fibro -everytime a weather front moves through - I get massive headache and my whole body hurts.
Oh, I hate that. There are times when I feel like a human barometer.
There are times when I feel like a human barometer.
Lord, yes. A friend will say "Beautiful day!" Hubby and I will rub our joints and say, "Going to turn bad, though." And Hubby can give you the hour. He's practically calibrated by now.