Evening nightly news is useless. I watch it when I'm with my parents and I'm just stunned anew at how uninformative it is.
The local news (and I live in a big metro area) is WORSE. Holy shit.
I am le nubian. My only exception to my local news ban is when we have a hurricane because the local weather people are so much better than the national news.
I likely listen to MSNBC too much, but most of my news is via internet, or here.
t, it does count, but not if I end up with great files and still have other crap strewn about the room.
(I think it's part of my Virgo-ness, I can also do things like seriously organize a bathroom cabinet while having bottles and lotions an jewelry still all over the counter...but by then I'm too tired to clean those!)
And yet, many people are going to satisfy themselves with no more than TV evening news (and quite possibly less).
Even worse, as we go forward, is how you can get so much news from Facebook, but odds are that most people are in the same kind of echo chamber I am, where my facebook friends generally agree with me and care about the kinds of things I care about.
You know what is awesome, though? My homemade yogurt popsicles.
I am overwhelmed by the ass-holery that is pervasive in the news this week. I can't...just can't comprehend how this is the world we live in now.
Without you guys and my family to balance it all out, I would just give up and swallow a lot of pills.
WTF Universe? WTFF!?
On the one hand, while my twitter is full of progressive people, the range of opinion within the "progressive" community is and has always been pretty large. Further, to my consternation, a lot of these people retweet bs to argue with it. So, in large measure I think I get exposed to a lot of range in terms of left wing and right wing arguments. More than I perhaps would like.
From my observation, people who tend to be right wing, are not exposed to such thoughtful debate from inside RW, much less opposing position outside. Progressives tend to give people a lot of benefit of the doubt - deserved or not. LW has its own fringe element, and folks who are too precious, but they tend to be marginalized here and there. I am more left than most of the people I follow, so I guess I can have these assessments.
You know what is awesome, though? My homemade yogurt popsicles.
You didn't put spinach in them, did you?
Even worse, as we go forward, is how you can get so much news from Facebook, but odds are that most people are in the same kind of echo chamber I am, where my facebook friends generally agree with me and care about the kinds of things I care about.
This is nicely stated. I see the same news I see because I am friends with like minded people for the most part, excluding some of my friends from high school. It always blows my mind when someone I've friended says something like, "It's about time that they are cannonizing Pope John Paul II" and I'm left gobsmacked. It's good for me to be surprised because I feel like everyone thinks like me, right? But still gobsmacked.
You didn't put spinach in them, did you?
That's my secret! No spinach.
I wish I'd been gobsmacked this morning when my aunt sent me a forward where Charlie Daniels defends Paula Deen, but unfortunately my reaction was, "Of course you fucking side with the racists."
I do not have any interest in finding out the news. I pick up stuff here or on Facebook or just general conversation and that is depressing enough.
This is pretty much me, though I do try to read at least a little of the newspaper each day.
Hey, I just called about the dog that followed us home on Wednesday, and he got picked up by his owners the next day.