Re: heat/humidity... It is a beautiful 83°F with 38% humidity in Chicago today and I am, of course, in the theatre from 9am-7pm today.
Oh my god, I hate my job. We were just told that when we're instructed to, we have to comment on our crap content, including Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+. Or, you know, we'll get FIRED, since some poor soul has been designated to keep track of the user names we have to give her by five today.
I forgot to respond to this earlier. I'm certain there was a case of a municipality trying to require employees to report all of their social networking user names so their posts could be monitored and a court ruled against the city. If it wasn't Kansas City, MO it was near there.
I don't think legal precedent will be much help to Amy. Lying, on the other hand...
I'm home! And I forgot my travelling meds at the hospital. Jesus FUCK. I can't go back until, ironically, the pharmacy ships meds to me.
Glad to hear you are home, ita. I hope the actual procedure went better than the whole checking into the hospital did. And the rest of the night's bullshit, come to think of it.
I just went to Target and lost my goddamned mind. Not that I even bought so much, but I walked up and down the same aisles a million times.
You just described 7 out of 10 Target visits for me. I try not to go there even though I like it because I hate the way it turns me into a zombie.
Spent the morning repeatedly scooping a wee baby robin out of the driveway. So freaking cute, and I could hear its parents yelling at me. On the fifth time I saw it on the pavement, I decided it was a lost car and would eventually get run over. But a young volunteer started to freak out, so I moved it one last time, but not so far that it couldn't get fed.
Yeah, as I was heading out, there was a flattened robin baby in the drive. It makes me sad when birds make their nests in the trees over the driveway.
One nice thing about deserts--you can find four-inch all metal electric fans on insane sale of $2.50. It's spinning its little heart out right now. Mmm, personal aimable fans that you can set up little water sprayers in front of.
You just described 7 out of 10 Target visits for me.
Oh, me too, for sure. Actually, it's not as bad when I go more often.
I have frozen ice cream and installed a new smoke and CO detector. I think that might be my productivity for the day.
Anyhow, I would love to be included in these things.
Me too. Sometimes all I can give is a lick and a promise, but I like to give lots of licks whenever possible.
Ponders changing the wording of that.
My resume made it in time. Got an email that they would be reviewing and would get back in a month. ::crosses fingers::
Sadly the procedure was a bit of a bust. My doc wants me to skip tomorrow's procedure, but I am not clear enough from pain to take that risk, not even close. I wanted them to throw the kitchen sink, since it was working better than last time,
but he didn't even remember last time.
So, you know. I let it slide.