A car-sized sinkhole opened up in front of my house growing up. I remember hearing a weird scraping as a car went by, peering out my bedroom window and seeing the street looking swollen and lumpy and water gushing forth from cracks. A little while later, I'm out looking at it as the city trucks arrive, and there's a thump and with a great glug, a car sized swath of asphalt breaks free and sinks into this hole.
Once they got it all pumped out, the hole was about 10 feet deep. It took several dump trucks to refill once they repaired the main.
wretchedly humid around here today. Just checked the numbers. 29%. I will just die if I have to live in the normal world in the summer again.
Ha ha! It's apparently 70% humid here, and feels great! Because it's only 69 degrees.
80%. It's hard to tell what's sweat and what's condensation.
57% humidity and a high of 89 degrees. It's been a little sticky.
It's been raining here all day, so it's super humid, but it is only about 70, which doesn't suck.
I can't do summer anymore. I want to go to, like, Alaska for the summer from now on. Or at least northern Maine or something.
I want to go to, like, Alaska for the summer from now on.
You'd get eaten alive by flies!
Hubby says Hawaii is nice, humidity wise. I suppose I could stand to live in a nice little cottage on a Big Island beach.
Humidity in Honolulu right now is 72%. Which does not seem humid to me, particularly, but I got the early Louisiana calibration.
I do like that it's dry enough here for a swamp cooler to be effective when I need cooling.
It's 66 here now. But supposed to be 75 tomorrow, which will be nice.