Thanks! I need to rotate the shoe collection in my desk. Lately I've just been wearing my battered Skechers rather than switching to something cute once I get to work.
I admit, I've never understood normal requirements to pee during a movie--I've assumed it's not standard bladder procedure and if you're going to MUST pee in 90-180 minutes you can maybe squeeze a few drops out now and postpone the mustness)?
A key word there is "normal". As a 53 year male with an enlarged prostate, I can assure that there are people who have trouble lasting 90 minutes and definitely cannot last 120.
I have a meeting tomorrow morning with an associate provost and a staff member she supervises. I saw her in the hall and I said, "greetings! we have a meeting tomorrow, don't we?"
"yes, I think so. I haven't looked at my calendar."
So, the staff member who will also be at the meeting is the same person last month who emailed me to tell me that she scheduled a lunch meeting with me but forgot to tell me about it.
I will update you all about tomorrow's clusterfuck. Because I am assuming that we it will be one. I also wanted to see material prior to the meeting and I have seen any yet.
Quick, someone give me hairpats and validation! In the past 8 hours of work (I stayed late last night), I have written TWENTY command reference topics. I AM A ROCK STAR. Take that, deadline monsters (and behaving-oddly boss-of-boss)!
I spoke with the ED about all the reasons that I did not want to and could not man every weekend. He said gently that he heard and understood all the reasons and agreed with them, but he
really needed me
to be a presence on the grounds. I told him I'd think about it, because at that point it was like talking to a brick wall and I was getting upset and ready to cry. He said sure, and proceded to tell me how my very presence on the grounds was a welcome sight to visitors, even if I didn't actually interact with them, and that I was a wonderful ambassador, and he wouldn't ask this of me personally if he didn't think I was so great at it. At that point all I was really hearing was "maneuver maneuver maneuver" and started getting pissed off.
He came back later with an even more substantial temporary raise. Which is tempting, financially speaking.
He also repeated his worry that it was boss lady poisoning my ear with me refusing to take the three day weekend. I set him straight a second time that this was not the case. Wow, he hates her a lot and wants extra reasons to be valid in that hate. I'm sorry if I have integrity for the job for which I was hired and saw that losing a day would make my job harder.
I am barefoot, no pedicure yet as I just removed the last of the old polish and hadn't gotten around to new. No pics.
A liver (human, I think) has been printed. Seriously.
Oo, a liver? I know they've printed functional bladders already but didn't know about the liver. How cool is that? We are living in the future!
so, this gawker story is kind of sad. But the comments (with images) made me guffaw. NSFW.
Good news for your dad, EpicTangent! My grandmother had an excellent 25 years after her quadruple bypass.
Jilli! You are a rock star!! Go you!
Juliebird, the ED wants you to work seven days? Yeah, no.