I don't understand 3-D printing- are the things made of paper?
Can be, but depends on the printer--metal, polymer, plastics. They're, like, accreted (browser hates that word) layer by layer based on the "print file" sent to the printer. So you can have a model file of a birdbath, for instance, and it will go layer by layer and build one from the bottom up, fusing the material together to make a solid structure.
I am not wearing shoes, because at the beach. My toenails are OPI I Don't Give a Rotterdam. [link]
Can be, but depends on the printer--metal, polymer, plastics.
Or some things, like jewelry -- I'm thinking mostly of rings meant to be cast in precious metals -- print a wax mold, which you take to a jeweler to cast in gold.
Okay, Lee: [link] Polish is OPI Yoga-ta Get This Blue. Sandals from Lands End.
My crowns weren't so much printed as they were carved.
Really want all thunder to desist now and stay that way until 7. I ask for so little!
Shoes! super comfy crocs. [link]
eta: they could have been posed better, like not on top of my empty lunch container.
In super high tech labs they are printing with all sorts of things - I just heard a piece on NPR about using 3d printers to print microscopic rechargeable batteries smaller than a grain of sand.
So it is called "printing" because it is layer by layer? It seems more like a replicator than a printer to me!