I need to call Comcast myself. Though I can't call the normal customer service line because we have a "special account" due to and agreement between Comcast and our apartment complex. Do I have the contact number. No. I need to contact the complex office and two calls is just too many.
So, I'm hanging at Starbucks while CJ is taking a drivers ed classroom training at ARP. Yep, he is learning how to drive the fancy trucks - lights, sirens, and all. Saturday he gets to actually learn how to drive them. *I* want to learn how to drive the trucks!
The chat person I got through to was actually helpful. And did not hang up on me at any point.
I've had fine customer service from Comcast, but my actual service, not so much.
Given the number of times my DVR decides not to record something, if it weren't for On Demand, I would have cancelled everything long ago.
My Time-Warner DVR does something interesting: it never records Judge Judy at the correct time. always 1-5 min late.
A Trip to Camp to Break a Tech Addiction [link]
No tech; cuddle puddles; hugs; vegan and gluten-free camp food; '80s-style prom
Apparently you don't have to die to go to hell.
Apparently you don't have to die to go to hell.
It's somebody's idea of heaven.
Kohlrabi. [link] Linky leads to a huffpost article, inaugurating a "WTF, CSA?" series.
No tech; cuddle puddles; hugs; vegan and gluten-free camp food; '80s-style prom
That was slightly more fun when it said 80s-style porn. I mean, some of the other stuff made more sense.
No tech; cuddle puddles; hugs; vegan and gluten-free camp food; '80s-style prom
Also, what is WRONG with people? That is not merely rhetorical.
No tech; cuddle puddles; hugs; vegan and gluten-free camp food; '80s-style prom
NO. Also, speaking as one of the extrovert tribe:
cuddle puddles?!
I think it is safe to say that if, by some horrible twist of fate I found myself at that hell camp, I would not be moved to
with any of the type of people who would want to be there.