I could picture a cool-ass Halloween/Nightmare Before Christmas black tree.
Somewhere on my tumblr I reblogged a photo of someone's white tree that was decorated entirely with NMBC toys. It was fantastic, and I want to do the same thing one of these years. Because we have a white artificial tree, and lots and lots of Nightmare Before Christmas toys.
But I don't know if we're putting a tree up this year. We didn't last year, because of brand new kittens of chaos, and this year they're just LARGER kittens of chaos.
I'm thinking of three horror film theme weeks (7 celeb pics) to do on the provocateuse tumblr, and I'd love popular suggestions. They're all about horror flicks:
- The one who did it
- The one who got did (these are not actual titles)
- The one that got away
This is more than a oh-so-slick way to sneak in the SPN boys, honest. And Jamie Lee Curtis is already on the list. I was just looking at a list of hot women (chicks, really) in slasher flicks, and they were mostly from ones you've never heard of and don't feel any more inclined to see after reading their piece.
I just caught a Honda ad with an interracial couple, or at least what I thought was one (the discomfort at the suggestion of rash sold it for me), but at the end the very nagging mother (white) says that her son is single. WELL YES. Because you just ruined his date with the Asian chick. Good lord. I have written an entire fanfic piece based on this, and let's be clear--the mother does not come off well, and the son runs off with the Asian lady and lives happily ever after.
You want suggestions of people? Like Johnny Depp, who got it in A Nightmare on Elm Street?
I'm thinking of three horror film theme weeks (7 celeb pics) to do on the provocateuse tumblr, and I'd love popular suggestions.
It's harder to think of attractive people that did the killing. But Anthony Perkins (Psycho) was really quite handsome. And Janet Leigh, of course, was gorgeous.
Tony Perkins.
A young Janet Leigh.
Another pretty young Janet Leigh.
It's been awhile since I had a Christmas tree. Dean and Maddie were kittens and then I had Dean and Penny and Penny is still just a bigger kitten. Maybe next year.
I almost bought a cheap little tree but then I had visions of finding it under the bed or trashed in the kitchen.
There's younger and very creepy Robert Mitchum in
Cape Fear
The Night of the Hunter.
Edith Scob - the actress in Eyes Without a Face.
Oooh! Virginia North! Who played Dr. Phibes silent assistant.
Virginia North.