Oh, lion, have some dignity.
I have been to the movies (Much Ado) and to my parents' for a cookout, and am now home and needing a cold shower, while my parents are at the hospital with my grandmother. So that's nice for them. At least it's got to be cold in the ER?
I'm sure I won't make it the few blocks to see fireworks.
Next time!
Sorry about your grandmother, Jesse. Seems like a bad day to have to be at the ER with all the firecracker and bbq-related injuries.
I think I'll watch the fireworks from my porch again this year. It's not a fantastic view, but it's good enough for me, especially as I haven't really gotten dressed today.
Note to self, pack patience when community gardening with a stereotypical perfectionist-for-reals-a-designer gay dude. It took 2 trips to the hardware store for more plants and OMGTHEARRANGINGANDANGSTAND OH! But it turned out nice: [link]
And now I have a sunburn, had to take another shower, met another neighbor, then bought Brian beer and we sat on his porch drinking (margarita for me) and nibbling and chatting with neighbors. Going to chill a bit before fireworks watching from the field which will probably end with drinking at Elizabeth&Eric's.
All in all, a good day.
Debated about driving up to Boston to sit in front of the half shell for the 1812 overture, but decided Boston could wait until Sunday or Monday (Sunday there's no parking fees, Monday it's gonna be hella cooler, hmmm...).
After this morning, I decided that my cats were in heat. I don't know if fixed female cats can do that, but it explains the musk and the random weird yowling.
I'm curious as to how the reportage established that the baby was in fact a tasty one.
All babies are tasty babies. It's axiomatic.
Oh, in gardener's belated PSA: Impatiens Downy Mildew.
If you noticed your impatiens crapping out last summer, or even this summer, it's a fungus. Basically, don't ever plant impatiens there again, as the spores reside in the soil. You're good if it's in a pot and the soil is new, but otherwise be prepared for your impatiens to crap out sometime in September.
I'm curious as to how the reportage established that the baby was in fact a tasty one
Toe sampling. It's like you've never seen babies.
That looks great, sarameg!
I have a number of shirts that require inspection--not least of all because some of the text faces down, and sometimes right and left--the "Speak slowly, I'm a natural blonde" one is especially impacted by the terrain. But my Karma Chameleon shirt takes some people some processing time (as does my Dark Knight in chess set, etc). Coincidentally, last time I wore my Wonder Woman shirt with bon/bob I was asked if it was wrestling-related.
The cheek! Sheer, unadulterated, cheek!
Sorry about your grandmother, Jesse. Seems like a bad day to have to be at the ER with all the firecracker and bbq-related injuries.
It's just her throat thing, which is better than her heart thing, and it sounded like they got seen right away, so not the worst. But seriously, my poor mother!