will that sustain fruit mash (avoiding juice for the glycemic thingummy)?
I haven't tried straight up fruit, but it should be fine. I think I tried some berry concoction that was mostly fruit and a little yogurt and that froze up no problem. It has a problem with high fat content stuff, which doesn't freeze solid enough, just gets sort of ice cream like and lets the stick pull out leaving most of the popsicle still in the mold. Alcohol is said to be a problem if you use too much, also, but I haven't tested that. Yet. Seems like the sort of thing that is only a matter of time.
That sounds pretty unpleasant, Consuela. Feel better. I'm sorry about the windows, you don't need that.
In dinner news, sometime 3 oz of carnitas is not enough, but 6 oz is just right. Nom.
Where did you buy yours, -t? I might get one for the family as well.
I choked on my dinner sandwich tonight and J had to do the Heimlich. It was just like they tell you it will be-I couldn't breathe or talk, and he did the squeeze and the food popped right out, Sadly, it did not fly out of my mouth dramatically or anything. I'm fine, but a little hoarse. J is pleased as punch with himself.
I think I probably speak for us all when I say that I am pretty damn pleased with J as well!
OMG, Scrappy! I am also pleased with J!! And glad you're OK.
ita, not-t, but when we had a zoku, it was a gift from williams and sonoma. It and it's sibling that was purchased for a friend both self destructed in the respective freezer and the white coolant inside leaked out.
J is a superhero and he may need a cape for the day, ijs.
The tired is eating me from my bottom. Poor noodle at work who has been dealing with an office short one person for going on 6 months or something - his wife had a death in the family and went driving to OK last night to get to the family and had a car break down, so he had to go get her and didn;t get to bed until after midnight. His workday starts between 5 and 6, including every other Saturday.
Wow, Scrappy! Hooray for J and the Heimlich!
I got mine at Williams Sonoma, too. I got my brother a different brand, Back to Basics, maybe? I haven't heard enough back from him to compare at all.