I haven't heard softcopies but it only seems at all odd to me because I would be muh more likely to say PDF or something. Probably.
Warm -t, what is your popsicle apparatus?
Zuko Quick Pop Maker [link] I have the singleton one, and kind of wish I'd gotten one with more slots because it'd be easier to make 6 at a time and keep them in the freezer for later. But the instant part makes that not such a big deal. Although "instant" really means "in about 15 minutes", but that is instant enough for me, compared to "in three hours" or "tomorrow" that I was used to with a tupperware stuck in the freezer.
2-d metaphor - is using a plane with two axes no good? I may be too mathy to metaphor properly. Latitude and longitude? Streets and Avenues? A baseball diamond with folk medicine along the first base line and Western over by third and various treatments scattered around the outfield, maybe moving towards home plate as they get more effective or whatever?
I went to the grocery store needing birdseed and canned dogfood and maybe something for dinner and came out with three full bags. SO no claim to normality, but how I do meals is to have determined a basic menu that I don't mind following every week so I don't have to think about it very much, make 4-6 servings of each thing a time so there is usually stuff in the freezer ready to be warmed up, and a pretty good stockpile of stuff that doesn't need cooking - cheese and olives, Atkins meal replacement bars, pickled
etc. Works for me, although I would actually like to eat out more, there are so many restaurants nearby that I haven't been to recently, or at all.
I want to buy robin food now.
I've heard of grilling romaine, maybe you could do that with lettuce? OTOH, I buy half a lb or 1 lb of spinach every week (alternating) and eat it all (so basically 1.5lb/2wks) and it lasts as long as it is dried out when I put it away. But I eat a big spinach salad for dinner every night.
The salad I made for dinner was pretty boss. But it's hard to go wrong with salad when you top it with lentils, a poached egg, bacon, and avocado.
My salads have gotten rather lean, as I'm a little off protein in the heat. Tonight's was spinach, balsamic and blueberries and strawberries. I usually add a chopped up chicken sausage (basil pesto from TJs is nice, as is the mango one) but uhg, just cannot. I do need to get some more chevre from the vendor who brought the baby goat to market. The spinach and fruits have so much flavor, I don't even miss the protein. I'm ruined for supermarket spinach. I can taste lemon and pepper and something green.
Both of my cats are dreaming in their sleep. Twitches are adorable, the random claw poke, NSM.
Aaand Pumpkin just goosed me. That woke all of us up.
For some reason, I find it easier to have salad for lunch. Maybe because I assemble it in the morning so the chore part isn't as associated with the eating part? Although if I can get my act together enough to wash and tear up a salad spinner full of lettuce, I don't mind throwing a little oil and vinegar on a handful at dinnertime. Along with some bacon crumbles and cheese, that's sometimes enough.
Oh, crap, I have to put out the cooler for my CSA delivery tonight and I've already changed into PJs. Oh dear, sorry neighbors, I don't normally hang out in the front yard in yoga pants and a camisole.
I usually get home with the kids around 6, so dinners have to be something I can throw together in under 30 minutes. We do a lot of pasta with CSA veggies or something in the crock pot I can serve over rice.
Dinner. That is what I forgot. Should go scrounging in the kitchen. CJ has been off on an evidence search, so I think I was waiting for him to get home and hadn't look at the time.
The numbing stuff on my foot has worn off and now it is sore from the cortisone shot. Better than the shooting pain, but ugh.
Congrats on Homer Bailey, Steph.
ita, for a metaphor would a web work -- it's the opposite of a single continuum?