So did anyone else in Chicago get an emergency alert for flooding on their iPhone this morning?
I can't get my phone to shut up with the thunderstorm and flooding alerts.
OTOH, the warning I'm reading says over 9" of rain may have fallen in SW Lake County today.
I'm in Pittsburgh!
::waves at Vonnie::
Also, after 29 hours of travel I am weary.
I'm currently waiting out another storm to see if it will clear early enough for me to swim....
Trudy, we were always gay married. The state always recognized those that got married pre-Prop 8.
And now the feds will recognize it too! YAYAY!!!
I'm curious how this will affect immigration. My friend's wife is here illegally from Canada.
Looks like at least one deportation was halted [link]
Why are people trying to kill the world "solve"? What is different about "solutioning"? Why is it better?
More wiggle room. Your way implies that at the other end something's been fixed.
David, I'm going to need a detailed itinerary here. You got on a train in CA, were in Texas earlier today, and now you're in Pittsburgh on your way to Ohio? What is going on?
Cincinnati has all your downpours right now.
Trudy, we were always gay married. The state always recognized those that got married pre-Prop 8.
But the marriages that Gavin Newsom did in 2004 got tanked, right?
I can never keep this strai... um, clear.
Right because the state never said they would be recognized like the CA court did in 08.