You're getting emergency flooding alerts on your iPhones? We are seriously living in the future.
I saw a therapist yesterday.
Anything that helps, right?
Kinda don't feel bad AT ALL that they're not invited to the wedding.
Kinda? Try all the way not bad. Hope you feel better today.
This map of how US states have evolved on domestic partnerships and marriage equality is pretty cool: [link]
eta: But I didn't know how many states have enacted a constitutional ban on same-sex marriage.
So did anyone else in Chicago get an emergency alert for flooding on their iPhone this morning?
I got one a couple of hours ago. Unbelievable intrusive noise.
Oh, I made the mistake of reading the comments page on the LDS church owned news station. Some voices of reason, more voices bewailing the moral decline and decay of America. Fortunately the Salt Lake Tribune is a reliable source of moderate-looks-like-raging-liberal-here stuff. But I hoped the other place would have some sense.
I may be able to explain the Prop 8 decision. Standing is one of those concepts that's easy to state but often tricky to apply in a particular case. Standing is basically "why do you care?" Taken to an absurdity, it means you can't sue if I get into a car accident with my next door neighbor. One of the principles of standing is that you can't challenge a law simply because you're a taxpayer who doesn't want your taxes spent on X, Y, or whatever.
Thanks for this, Fred Pete! I was feeling completely lost on the whole standing thing.
Well, we just found the source of the smell in the pantry.
In other news, yuck.
Oh, no, totally our fault.
Old potato? (That's what I'm most guilty of in the pantry. I think "Oh, the pantry is cool and dry, I'll toss the taters in there!" And that's fine, as long as I remember to cook them within a reasonable amount of time. If not -- a rotten potato is a foul thing indeed.)