They have basically said that the supporters of Prop 8 who brought the case shouldn't have been allowed to do so. Basically, it will go back to things the way they stood before Perry.
ETA: So, no ruling on the constitutionality (or not) of Prop 8 from the Supremes.
From Twitter:
"#NOH8 BREAKING: #SCOTUS dismisses #Prop8 on grounds proponents lack standing; freedom to marry to return to California! #time4marriage"
Happy Marriage Equality America!
Basically, it will go back to things the way they stood before Perry.
Which means Prop. 8 is unconstitutional? (Sorry to be such a moron.)
MSNBC says marriage is now legal in CA again.
That's fantastic. I declare this to be a day of high drama.
I am totally earwormed with the Bad Romance tune but the lyrics "DO-MA, DO-MA-MA". OY!
Which means Prop. 8 is unconstitutional?
The lower court's decision striking it down stands. Not the same as the Supremes saying it is unconstitutional. So, outcome limited to CA.
Okay so the Prop 8 decision only effects California right?
Does the DOMA decision effect state laws defining marriage as only between 1 man and 1 woman?
Does the DOMA decision effect state laws defining marriage as only between 1 man and 1 woman?
No. States can still pass those laws at this point. All *legal* marriages will now be recognized by federal law, but states still define what is legal.