I really feel like the fact that almost two hundred thousand people watched them break the rules helped to tip the scales. We saw them do it. There were computer timestamps on the official record that got altered, and people got screencaps and printouts showing the change from 6/26 to 6/25.
I'm shocked as hell, too, and grateful for the win.
Have you seen the documentary? Wild story, kind of touching.
Wait, documentary? There's no way that movie wasn't a hoax.
Seriously? Logic and the rules worked?
For now. There won't be a midnight deadline in a regular session. I just hope the combination of events in Texas yesterday fires up enough people to make a longer term dent in the conservative agenda.
Wow, the Texas thing is unreal.
Yes, I knew what I was getting into when I moved back.
I should have gone to bed earlier, but I couldn't bear to leave the laptop until it was all over. Oddly, the five hours sleep I got after I finally went to bed left me more rested than I've been in a while. What a ride.
Five minutes until the Supremes start their session. Both same sex marriage cases, and one that no one is talking about.
DOMA: 5-4, Kennedy writing for the majority.
DOMA is unconstitutional as a deprivation of the equal liberty of persons that is protected by the Fifth Amendment.
Holy crap. News from Australia: our Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, has just been ousted in a leadership coup. She's been replaced by Kevin Rudd, the previous incumbent who was himself ousted by Gillard in a leadership coup three years ago. [link]