They are awaiting a ruling. Mics seem to be muted during these moments.
I'll admit I got teary at the woman who left her Dad's funeral to come back.
Eta: WillnotrepleyonTwittertopersonstatinghisbravewifeis26monthspregnant.
Here's the deal. There were three points of order raised:
1) she said something not germane: sustained by chair
2) assisted by colleague with back brace: submitted to body and sustained
3) germane again: sustained by chair
So now those in favor of the bill are trying to move things towards ending the filibuster, and those against are trying to stall/challenge the points of order sustained.
That's my understanding, anyway.
oh wait, I just refreshed. guess i was behind. sorry.
That's my understanding, anyway.
If you have even 10% understanding right now, my hat is off to you. Well, I'm not wearing a hat. My hair clippy thing is off to you. I'm Googling like I mean it and reading and listening to the proceedings but I have almost no clue exactly what is going on. I know the outcome matters, but I am kinda lost on the proceedings.
edit: There are over 125,000 people watching this. Someone needs to explain it to me. Also who is the woman next to Hegar?
She's a lawyer, apparently. I think?
Oh my god this is MADNESS.
The chair ended the filibuster but Watson (a supporter) is calling for the end of the filibuster to be put to a vote. And now I've lost track of what question they were voting on when the gallery erupted.
No way in hell they're ramming this through in five minutes.
She's a lawyer, apparently. I think?
I'd assume that. I am intrigued to know who she is by name or organization since she seems like a bit of a puppet master at times.
The gallery is running out the clock but I am not sure they are getting the actual ending they intend. Hopefully this will have political ramifications on all sides in the next elections. People can disagree, but in a democracy (and republic), we vote.
The Supreme Court and Paula Deene and Anne Rice make me tired and sad about the whole damn country.
Very much this.
I am also among the migraine sufferers, or was earlier. Not going to work wasn't a real option today, or even not working a full day, but I got to work at home until 10:00 or so, which meant that my puking took place at home.
opefully this will have political ramifications on all sides in the next elections. People can disagree, but in a democracy (and republic), we vote.
I think Twitter is going to collectively pass out from rage. I may join them in that.
I agree, Jilli. I couldn't watch it because my anxiety levels were shooting through the roof. But the last minute vote after midnight (against the rules) is making me apoplectic. I'm ready to cash out and go to Paris or some shit.