Holy shit, I saw a seal in SF Bay from the train. Coooool.
I'm going to take a bold stance and declare that seals are better than racism.
At first, I thought he said he saw a seal ON the train, and I was like, WAAAAY better than racism!
I just had to walk away from a FB argument with someone who was very upset that Deen is being censored like this.
My favorite (SPOILER: that was sarcasm) comments are the ones where she was raised in a racist time period, so it's okay. Guess what? We're living in a racist time period NOW. Still not okay!
Oh, the Fairfield station is where I am!
The Amtrak app says you won't be here for another 15 minutes, I wasn't prepared.
I can't recall if I got this link here or elsewhere - but here is a photo gallery of the Chicago Sun Times photography department who were all laid off at once.
::waves back to cutie -t::
Well today has....continued. I've called my doc to figure out what the next step is for my foot (oh, man, did I really just type that?). Now I have to wait for a response. I've had the hard soled shoe since the 14th and it hurts the same as it did before.
Also talked with my boss a bit, workload and upcoming stuff. The grade change I was so excited about? May happen at the end of the year which means it isn't effective until April 1st. He had wanted to make sure that my goals and such are set up so that he can defend putting me up for a change then. Still good, just not the immediate gratification I was hoping for.
I'm supposed to be part of a focus group thing tonight, too late for me to cancel, but I feel like I need a personality transplant before I'll be any good at providing creative feedback.
I literally can't with the racism. And I was just in a meeting with someone who almost used the n word! And apparently definitely uses it in his personal life! In the phrase [n]-rigged. WTF, America.
Dude! You have family in Port Arthur? That's where my in-laws are from!
My grandparents were actually from outside Port Arthur, but they still have family in that general area. The relatives who were laughing about the new people in the area who were building houses
on the ground!!
(Because people who know what's what build on stilts.)
One of these links [link] [link] is a song about taking it up the ass so Jesus thinks you're pure and the other is the best dance number recorded as of maybe ever.
I forget which is which...
Surviving today is apparently beyond my capabilities, but I've managed to keep that a secret so far. 3rd meeting coming up in five...
Dammit, Anne Rice. You make it difficult to be a fan of your bombastic vampire books.
And Rice was actually saying that a white person could not be offended by use of the slur? really? I boggle.
There weren't any black people in the room, so how can that be considered offensive, and anyway what's the big?
I can't even on the Supreme Court. Sickening.
And Rice was actually saying that a white person could not be offended by use of the slur? really? I boggle.
I'ma guess there are no white people at Klan meetings, and yet I feel REALLY comfortable calling those offensive as fuck. Logic fail, Ms. Rice.