With the security system on and the cats there to alert me if anything unusual happens, I can sleep peacefully.
Hahah. See, we have a cat, but he does not reassure me at all. If there were an intruder, he would just run and hide under the bed. A dog might at least bark or something.
42 is pretty good
So what's the question? If you're the answer.
I want to say the question is "Who is made of 100% distilled AWESOME?", but I think that's not quite right...
Happy birthday, Tep! Aside from the stabby face pain, it sounds like it was a good weekend!
The being a useful person part you could spin into an appropriate goal, I bet.
I'm trying to sort of focus around that. Invited a friend over tomorrow to help me knock this out because I am just spinning my wheels alone.
I think the only warning my cat would give me was her claws skittering on tile to go hide. The cocker spaniels next door seem happy to warn me and the entire world if there is anything wrong. Or a breeze. But probably if there were something wrong, they'd bark too.
My cats are reassuring in that if I hear any noises I can say to myself "it's just the cats".
I want to say the question is "Who is made of 100% distilled AWESOME?", but I think that's not quite right...
No, I think you hit the nail on the head there.
"I would like a job that pays me money and keeps me busy so I don't spend the ENTIRE day fucking around on the internet getting nothing done. I would like to feel vaguely as though I am able to accomplish something, without having that something interfere too much with my strenuous internet needs"
Also 100% distilled awesome. That objective is so awesome it's Teppy.
Apparently one of my classmates just became principal of my HS
One of my classmates became a teacher at our HS within 5 years of graduating from the HS. Became department head a few years later and was principal not that long after that. Then she worked for the school district for a while. Now she owns a vintage clothing shop in a trendy part of Berkeley. Crazy!!!
She was one of those people who had her life planned out from before her HS freshman year and then followed that plan.
Happy birthday, Steph!
Where are you going, Burrwll? Any chance you are passing through HMB?
Sorry to not reply sooner, I've been busy with house stuff all day. We are indeed passing through HMB but just passing on our way north. We won't be staying there until the weekend of the 4th. I'll email you!
See, my cats are the source of all sorts of distressing night time sounds, and they seem to delight in making noises I've never heard before. Or otherwise decide to cry loudly for belly rubs at 1 am.
One of the reasons I don't clean the leaves off my steps in the fall (beyond being lazy) is that it acts as a security alarm, so I can hear people crunching up the steps.
It's the fact that my cats haven't freaked out that reassures me there's no intruders in the house. Same when they come to greet me at the door.