Tep, do you think you need this, maybe for your bathroom? Or maybe this?
Happy birthday, girl!
Phone rang at 11:30 last night because servers 87 and 88 were not responding to monitoring. NOT MY DIVISION! But I actually couldn't help, and suggested they wake up someone who was a) on the support team and b) could provide useful information. Partial benefit of the new job--I'd rather not have been woken up at all.
And I may really really need to get a new mattress. Back pain got me out of bed, not being awake enough this morning. Fothermuck.
It's a weird feeling when I'm out and trying to decide what special treat I can buy for a meal but really want to drink that nummy treat I have at home--fizzy citrus water or tea. Still haven't bought a drink other than water out in months.
Tep, do you think you need this, maybe for your bathroom? Or maybe this?
Hey, those might go great with the new vanity!
Happy Birthday, to the proudly geeky, witty-as-hell, kinkalicious, and deeply interesting Tep!
Happy birthday, Teppy! That Klein bottle is amazing! Also, bacon. Man, I want a 3D printer.
I hope Pete feels better soon.
Best wishes to Jesse's grandmother.
Peace and calm ~ma for your vacation, Burrell! Vacation pre-show was always like that at our house, too.
My arm is much better today. I no longer fear death. At least for the moment. I have two house-organizing items on my agenda for today, and here at 1pm I haven't started either one. But I'm supposed to be lazy on a Sunday, right?
Thanks, I think my grandmother is OK. They changed her meds, so kept her to watch, but the resident said he thought she might come home today, although it's not his call. Of course she tried to set me up with him -- too bad he's married with four kids!
Yay, nothing is going to eat Zen!
edit: and congratulations on another year of fabulousness, Teppy.