Mmm, good day for me. Saw many very cool quilts, had a delish salad for lunch, then nice if winding drive through the hills to Napa for chocolate and wine (both yum, I bought a bunch of each) followed by tea, then back to Suisun where I had a coffee-coated steak which was tasty (though I still don't understand it well enough to describe it, really, except it was yum) and which I will have the leftovers of tomorrow. Ahhh.
AHS was not for me. I wanted to like it, but just not my beautiful cake. I can see what people who did like it saw in it (the first season anyway, which is all I watched) it just didn't resonate with me, I guess.
and now we're watching "Once More With Feeling". Whedon win.
In my epic driving across most of Southern California last weekend, I listened to (and sang along with) all of OMwF. That was really fun. I haven't watched it in years.
Relatedly, good lord, James Marsters' cheekbones.
And, hey, Much Ado is playing in Napa so I might go see it this week. That is an unexpected piece of good fortune.
Zenkitty,now that you know it's the bandage that was creating more trouble, gently cleanse the area and if possible apply Benedryl cream (some forms of anti-itch cream) to the irritated area. If you don't have the cream, then try a paste of water and baking soda and if possible take some Benedryl internally.
Also, see if you can get the new Tetanus/Diphtheria/Pertussis combo for adults, I think they are referring to it as T-DAP or some such.
Zen, I was going to apologizing for bringing up Corpse Bride so soon after you were worried about your arm becoming all zombiefied and rotting, then thought, "If no one else thinks it, maybe I won't bring it to mind."
A friend just posted this: 15-year-old wrote a two page, persuasive essay to convince me to let him go to a sleep-over to which I had already said no. This essay contained citations in MLA style, including a citation for the Milgram's experiment, which supported his argument that by not being able to change my mind, I was "stunting the growth of society" and would be raising children that "will be easily brainwashed." I changed my mind...
Is tetanus really a common problem from cat scratches? I thought of that as environmental and commonly introduced by cuts from things like nails that were contaminated. Not that getting the vaccine isn't a good thing. It is. But cat scratches are known for the possibility of contracting bartonella. Which, sadly, does not mean that Hawkeye comes to visit. Mores the pity because Jeremy Renner has fabulous arms.
Which, sadly, does not mean that Hawkeye comes to visit
"Coulson, you've got to find out why I'm being fucking drawn to all these women with cat scratches! And stop them from annoying their cats into scratching them! Or make Ted Nugent show up instead of me!"
"Don't worry, Barton, I'll take care of it. I don't share."