It's a word we were exposed to a decent (applicable?) amount--we were fed lots of fiction and history with racists, so it was part of our vocabulary for discussing what we'd been exposed to. In that context, no language is explicitly banned--we just shouldn't use them as epithets.
Yes, this. I have read a lot of both sides of the argument for its re-appropriation by Black academics and personalities, and I can see both sides. But I think it encapsulates a vicious amount of hate.
Someone said something random and sterotypical about Jews, knowing I nor anyone at the table were Jewish. My SS is. And I went the fuck OFF. And he was the husband of a good friend and we were in public. Oh, well. (The wife was superpissed at him too; he has a history of open mouth/insert foot.)
Fucking mosquitos. itchitchitch
I attacked the jungle of our backyard last Sunday and my legs look like tiny mean alligators ate me.
Little flying vampire bastages.
Fucking mosquitos
Agreed. I know it's summer by the number of bug bites. I have four beauts from the beach in Arcata, but I've been in jeans since then so scratching hasn't happened and they haven't gotten worse.
But I think it encapsulates a vicious amount of hate.
The history would with or without the words, as would the fiction, though. Insulating us from hate wasn't a concern of my parents--educating us about it was their goal.
Oh, I agree with your parents, totally, ita !
And AMS; do you hate it, or are you sucked in and creeped the fuck out?!
I grew up in the rural South -- in Tennessee, same as Paula Deen, I think. I never used that word. No one in my family used that word. I heard people around me say it when I was a kid, and I hated it, because even then I knew what it meant. I won't say the word now; it disgusts me. Paula Deen is only 16 years older than me, and 2 years older than my sister. Her age is no excuse, neither is the place where she grew up. She acts as if she thinks there's nothing wrong with it, and that's no excuse either; that's just as bad as saying it. There is no excuse.
I was about to say that no one in my family used that word (we are all from the north, new England, and Canada), but my grandma called Brazil Nuts N**** toes.
I was also shocked this Christmas when my basically Alan Alda, SNAG uncle said "jigaboo". It was really weird, because I had received a head-wrap as a gift and I tried it on and he said to my mom 'She looks like a jigaboo'! And I was all ????. He said that when he was little that was the name for the black people who fished off the bridge and wore head-wraps. This was almost more shocking than the reveal a few Christmases ago of the all-naked, all-male swims in high school gym class and at the YMCA in the 50s/60s.
You know how you're not supposed to tell someone their baby isn't cute? Well, if you're doing a piece on how cute their baby is, you can still, ah,
[link] assiduously, no?
AHS is way disturbing--I'm trying to work out if it's engaging enough to be this disturbed or not.