I like the leading one -- very simple and bold.
I love the typography and retro feel. Our wedding really (I mean REALLY) doesn't have a theme other than "legally hitched, woo hoo!", but my dress has kind of a retro feel to it. So the invitations sort of go with the not-theme of my dress.
(Everything is kind of revolving around my dress. When people asked me what my colors are -- not *if* I have colors, mind you; *what* they are -- I just started telling them blue and silver, because my dress is blue and I'm trying to find silver shoes to wear with it, and all my jewelry is white gold.)
I'm sorry about your Uncle Frank, sara. I always loved stories about him and his trips.
Steph, your colors are blush and bashful. Except they look like blue and silver.
Steph, your colors are blush and bashful.
Nobody gets it when I say that (offline, I mean) and then I feel like Abed.
That's totally cromulent, Tep. A LOT of weddings revolve around the dress. And your dress is super pretty.
I don't think we had a theme, as such. We had colors, because purple is always my color so that was easy - I had purple flowers on my dress, and made the bridesmaids wear purple, and some of the flowers were purple, so there you go. Oh, I gave the bridesmaids some amethyst jewelry, too, and wore some myself, I think.
OMG I just realized i have a blazer that's color is actually bashful! I couldn't remember why I had to have it.
It's greyish.
Who doesn't get "blush and bashful"?? Kids these days, man.
Port Arthur is near the Louisiana border, so...maybe don't yell. Or yell REALLY loud.
So I just remembered the ones I've met are named Smith, and I actually have no idea where they currently live, so in general, not a great plan.
I don't get blush and bashful. Isn't that shades of pink?
Connie, yes. The line is from Steel Magnolias - Julia Roberts character's wedding colors weren't just any pink, but blush and bashful.
Ah. Julia Roberts gives me the creeps. That would explain why I didn't know that.