Kickstarter is back in my good graces. That's an excellent apology.
Paula Deen - ha, my confidentiality clause is already kicking in! I've never actually had to not say something because of one of those before, I don't think, certainly not so soon after signing it.
W-E-E-K-E-N-D: tomorrow I'm going to a quilt show in Winters with my mom and then we'll swing by Napa to use my wine and chocolate Groupon and probably have dinner. An excellent way to kick of my vacation! Sunday I'm donating platelets in the morning, which will be a new adventure for me, and then I think I'm going to hit Marshall's and Ross and maybe TJ Maxx for my bimonthly I-need-things-that-fit-to-wear-to-work panic shop. Also mowing the lawn, maybe laundry and dishes, and almost definitely deciding what are the most important things I need to get done on Monday and Tuesday because I'm on VACATION and those two days are devoted to attacking my To Do list. Wednesday - Friday will be spent in a cabin with my mother, sister, and niece for some female bonding and hiking with the dogs off-leash. Whee!