I would probably cheat and get a already partially grown tree, whatever I end up with.
I like the idea of one citrus and one avocado. It's like having guacamole in your yard!
In other news, my sister seems to have turned into someone who doesn't understand hyperlinks (using them, not creating them)
Amazon wish lists.
I don't get it.
I hope it settles down, Consuela. As I understand it, change is pretty much the worst, so the farther away she gets from the big change, maybe she will calm down.
I found this tumblr that has me giggling:
philosopher shaming.
I can handle the twenty bucks, but something that isn't a joke and can be compatible with several folks? And yet inspire laughter?
I wish I could give you the thing I got at a work Yankee Swap a couple of years ago. It's a ceramic reindeer (cartoon-style), and if you take off the head, it's a candle inside.
Much ~ma for quick recovery for your mother, Scrappy.
For a $20 gift for an office mate I might go with a nice desktop novelty item. Well my office mates it would be booze, but with the restraint.
Some fancy coffee or tea?
Last year I got my Secret Santee an LL Bean swiss-army-type-knife. She's made a point of telling me how handy it's come in, several times. :-)
In the future, if you feel yourself hypothesising "Maybe it grows like pineapple?" that answer is pretty much usually wrong. I'm sure if pineapple had a chance they'd go for some sort of low bush-like tree, but with thick, , supportive branches from which to dangle.
Which now makes me wonder--what
like the pineapple. I'll need to dive back into google.
My google bouncing got me to this page:of a Playboy bunny potential prospect (she may have nudie mags to her credit--there are some cover-naked-boobs-with-other-body-parts, but no pornier than that Janet Jackson mag cover (perhaps less, because they're her hands..) ANYWAY: [link] the magazine stresses there's been no post camera manipulation of the images, and I'm trying work out what we need to be protected from, such that so many magazines, etc, go to town.
The most "obvious" flaw, I think, is the thinness of the skin of her upper thighs, since you can see the pattern of blood vessels underneath. I'm also assuming they will take out creases, even those formed by twisting, etc. Make more of a waist-hip contrast..what else on a woman of 21 needs to be fixed for our delicate eyes? There is one "what if we did photoshop" pair about 2/3 down, but even so...
Now I need to learn more about this magazine.