So the woman Patraeus had an affair with, Paula Broadwell, was not only on the Daily Show, but Jon went to some charity events she organized. That's going to be tricky for him to joke about.
She wrote a biography on him. I am thinking that it's going to be pretty easy. She wasn't on the Daily Show because she was a wife and mom. She was on talking about Patraeus. And the book
about him
that she was trying to publicize.
How does that make it awkward for Jon Stewart?
That's going to be tricky for him to joke about.
Two words: Anthony Weiner.
How does that make it awkward for Jon Stewart?
Just that they were socializing at some events together after. I got the impression that they got to be friends from looking at the pictures.
I don't really know how friendly they were/are.
She was on talking about Patraeus. And the book about him that she was trying to publicize.
Oh, that's just icky. And kind of classic adultery.
So that's a couple of marriages and two very high flying careers in the crapper.
Have the marriages ended? I'm also assuming the impact on her career is yet to be determined, or did I miss something?
ita_!, that's probably the best price you're going to find for a good, non-scratchy petticoat.
I saw her visit to TDS and she did not come across as very bright. I'm glad to know that she seems better than she came off during that interview.
I was kind of surprised at the lack of depth she displayed.
Well, she took some, you know, short-cuts. Who needs depth?
Has billytea seen this?
Hee. I have! The little penguins at Cincinnati Zoo are quite awesome.
I'm not single-issue, but as a broad category, I vote more on social issues than economic. I have strong opinions on economic issues, but they tend to fall between our two parties, and there's less disagreement between them anyway. In principle. I'm often happy to vote on competence here. But there is a significant difference between them on social issues, and I certainly won't be voting Liberal while that remains the case.
I could vote Green, especially since with preferential voting, a third-party vote won't be wasted; and my social positions are closest to them. But economically we're quite far apart, and I don't have much reason as yet to trust their competence in government.
Sadly, right now that's true of both major parties too right now. I don't recall the last time Australia was as ill-served by its politicians.
The testiness has started. But I am maintaining zen goddamnit, even of it means walks in the dark. The very dark.
Undara was magical. Lava tubes cool. Chillagoe now which is very pretty and I'm the middle of nowhere. Cockatoos everywhere. My dad and nephews are acting about the same age.
I'm gonna probably knock off a bottle of wine tonight and my nic ban went to hell. ZEN.