Hec just tried to tilt the shower head, and the whole thing snapped off in his hand.
We lost the second-to-last espresso machine the same way - he turned the handle to get the steamer going, and
Though, to be fair, the second-to-last espresso machine was mostly plastic, and it looks like the shower head is the same way. Lots of faux chrome coating, but no actual metal, so ultimately doomed to snap like a twig from the very beginning.
I knew I should've laid off the gamma rays yesterday.
Yeah, but you make the giant green rage work for you.
Hec just tried to tilt the shower head, and the whole thing snapped off in his hand.
We lost the second-to-last espresso machine the same way - he turned the handle to get the steamer going, and snap.
Hee! It's like Giles turning into a Fyarl demon and busting shit up because he has no idea of his strength!
(Yup, I just mixed fictional strong monsters. Go with it.)
erika, HA!
Pix, how is your poor head feeling after that awful night? And is the dog non-stinky, or is she the least of your concerns right now?
"Oh, this is really unfortunate."
Hey, did people know the guy from Revenge is British? I just saw him on Ellen. And by "the guy," I mean the rich boyfriend, what's his name?
Also, if I start test-baking this weekend, for a party that's a month away, cupcakes should freeze OK, right? I won't frost them or anything.
JZ, my head feels a lot better, thanks. The whiplash is going to be the more persistent problem, but I have an appointment at noon with my chiropractor. The dog is beyond stinky still. I don't think getting her un-stinkified is going to be a home job, but she's the least of my worries.
Honestly, I'm just really glad it wasn't worse.
Is there any case where a blasphemy law is a
Some person on Slashdot sez:
When a statue in Mumbai began to miraculously drip tears, huge crowds began to gather, pray, and collect the water in vials. Sanal Edamaruku has exposed such bogus miracles before, and when he was called in, his investigations showed that it was nothing more than a nearby drainage. The entire investigation was caught on tape. The priests were outraged and demanded an apology. When he refused, a case of 'blasphemy' was registered at the police station and they now want to have him arrested.
Hee! It's like Giles turning into a Fyarl demon and busting shit up because he has no idea of his strength!
Emmett is actually having this problem as he doesn't seem to know how to get his Fully Enlarged Grew Six Inches and Put On 15 Pounds of Muscle self through the kitchen doorway without knocking off tiles or bouncing off the door frame.
San Franciscans--I'm meeting some friends in the Mission for dinner, and we decided to meet a little earlier for drinks. Where should we go?
I will also be in the Mission for dinner! Maybe we will run into each other. That happens in the Mission.
Speaking of unfortunate events, I just finished reading the first Lemony Snicket book, and I liked it but I don't think I'll be reading it again. So if someone would like to give it a new home, e me and I'll pass it on.
The series doesn't really pick up for a few books. It's a little repetitive at first, but then it develops a series arc, and it's great fun.