our turnaround time, from receiving a manuscript for publication to actual final-form publication, will go from 6 weeks to 3 weeks.
She said airly that "all the time lost will be on the conversion vendors' side; they would be required to get papers back to us sooner. So we won't be affected."
Oh my god, you really DO work for my company. How does the magic "they will be required" even WORK? Just saying it doesn't make it possible.
3 weeks for conversion to our format
I'm curious about this, though. We just get Word docs in and edit in the Word files.
(Our acceptance-to-publication time, BTW, is about 3-4 months. And we keep accepting ever larger numbers of papers, which just makes that time longer and longer. Makes us look AWESOME, let me tell you.)
omg, drama chick at work is now having major drama on the phone loud enough for me to hear about paying a toll fee late. Jesusita. I feel for the operator.
Okay, I did my one thing!
I have done several things! Go me!
And I will head to yoga with a girlfriend shortly, come back and edit some more, and then this weekend is Cabin in the Woods, fnacy ice cream (anniversary movie and ice cream, since our anniversary day was a work night) and hanging out with friends tomorrow night, including a good friend who now lives in Chicago (we FINALLY get to see her 2nd child, a daughter, who is almost a year old now.)
our turnaround time, from receiving a manuscript for publication to actual final-form publication, will go from 6 weeks to 3 weeks.
WTF? Are they counting on a wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey thing?
Man, I've done a number of things including calling everyone who needed to sign up for interviews next week. (Student committee leader type positions) Still have tons of stuff. . . mostly art collection related.
I cleared off one pile and then de-cluttered 3 of 4 boxes sitting in front of my desk.
My next one thing is a bitch. I'd rather declutter.
I think I'm not going to bring my work laptop home with me this weekend even though there's always busywork I could do while watching Netflix.
I need to buy new walking shoes. And more Hawaiian rum while I'm at it, since the store is down the street from DSW.
And because I need to spring clean my closet, perhaps I'll do some more unfucking: [link]