Bryan Fuller's got my number. I love his stuff. Besides I'm curious about him playing in the Universal Monsters toybox, and showing them doing actual monstrous stuff.
He has mine too. I'll probably watch the Hannibal show if it gets picked up too.
I watched that bloody recap too. The show is my crack.
It really is cracktacular.
So the Fox News mole got caught:
As soon as he started supplying video clips, I figured the end was near, because that sort of thing gets tracked pretty closely. If he'd stuck to text, he might have been safer, although it would have been harder to prove he was who he claimed.
Pity it happened so fast, though: he didn't have time to provide any of the really good stuff.
I watched the Revenge recap too. Totally addictive. And I think they may have included some footage that wasn't originally shown. I could be mistaken, but there seemed to be shots I didn't remember.
So the Fox News mole got caught
Yeah, I read what he had written, and he didn't seem very bright.
why did he use his own work computer?
why did he use his own work computer?
I suspect the only way to access the video footage was through the work network, and then he copied it onto a flash drive and sent it to Gawker from a home computer or something. But the network remembered he had accessed the footage, and that, plus his other admissions, was enough to identify him: I'm sure his dissatisfaction was no real secret.
isn't rule 1 that you access it from someone else's computer?
hasn't the guy watched "Alias?"
isn't rule 1 that you access it from someone else's computer?
Someone else's computer might not have had the access.
I work on a secure system: there are databases I can access only using my login, and which remember the last time I logged in, and for how long. When I'm away from my desk for more than five minutes, my computer goes to standby mode and only my password will restart it. If Fox has anywhere near that kind of security (and they're sufficiently paranoid I wouldn't be surprised if they did), it would be really difficult to get into a database using someone else's login.
My company just did a security review reminding people to lock their computers when stepping away. No moles sneaking into other people's systems--hopefully.