He had them, though, no one else could run the system except a consultant who was worth three times his salary.
At my job, there were about 40 of us working on this joint venture. As the venture wound down, more and more people left. Eventually I was the only one working in that whole wing of the building, and I was reporting to a VP who had almost no idea what I was doing.
When they ended up not hiring me, they pulled my first boss from her new department to do my work. A lot of stuff was new for her so she had a lot of problems at first.
At the time I was thinking, $17k a year for a programmer in San Francisco isn't very good. But it all worked out, as a year later I was working in Evanston for a lot more money.
Ok. Short sleeves and a slightly too casual cardigan sweater. I'm off!
And I don't even have balls.
I know I went "Buh--what--huh?"
Get this.
A girl in Em's science class got on her because she cheated off of Em's test (without Em knowing it) and got a D. First of all, that takes a lot of gall. Second of all, she's a crappy cheater because Em got a high B (which Em's pretty upset with because of her whole perfectionist thing, but another issue). One of those "Seriously?" moments.
That girl needs a cluestick application in the worst way.
Good thing she's a crappy cheater, Gud. That way she's the only one who suffers from her decision to cheat.
God I love thunderstorms.
Need good anything. Mac ran away from school was threatening harm to self. Police were called and took him to a psych hospital. They want to admit him for min 3 days.
Aw, crap, msbelle. Sending all the calming ma I can muster to both of you.