Which of the avengers would be a great packer, I wonder?
Tony. Because it'd actually be Pepper who does the packing.
What Vonnie K said. Although the Son of Coul might also have some packing skills to go with his other ninja gifts. He drives for hours (as near as I could tell) from LA to Somewhere, New Mexico, and his suit doesn't look the slightest bit rumpled.
Jessica, stop by one of those reading-glasses kiosks in Walgreens or somewhere, and try on the 3 and the 3.5, and see which one you do best with. That's my suggestion. But I'd go with under-correcting. I wear under-corrected glasses most of the time, because they're easier to see the keyboard/monitor with.
OMG totally going with The Avengers Movers next time!
Did I mention that it turns out my son is a Captain America fan? I had no idea, but it makes sense.
Wait, am I secretly Canadian? That's how I pronounce foyer and niche!
I had that thought too, except I say "about."
OMG totally going with The Avengers Movers next time!
Yeah, but DC movers you get The Flash and Green Lantern (for heavy lifting and sorting).
Which of the avengers would be a great packer, I wonder?
Good question. I assuming we're limiting it to movie Avengers because there were a shitload of Avengers who went through that revolving door in the comics.
Thor - We all know that like most pantheons the Norse gods were a bunch of drunken lunatics, and drunken lunatics are not good packers.
Iron Man - Only good at it in the sense that he'd have someone else do it as has been pointed out already. But does delegating a task make you good at a task? A question worth pondering, but I say pass for now.
Hulk - Angry people don't pack well especially if you want to keep things intact, which is an important aspect of evaluating the ability to pack as demonstrated in the Mythbusters episode which evaluated if gender had any impact on the ability to pack a car.
Captain America - Military guy, very good case made there.
Black Widow - Perhaps the most likely to get stuck with it, being the only woman in the outfit. She's probably good at packing from having to carry a bunch of equipment on her outfit while keeping everything skin-tight.
Hawkeye - Seeing as he is a guy and he has to hang around with Iron Man, Thor, and Cap all the time, he's probably developed a highly repressed sense of inferiority. This would make him distracted when performing tasks other than shooting thin sticks into things, making him a poor choice for packing.