Oh, it makes no sense at all: the direct transfers were totally going through, but something in the book-keeping seems to have broken down. As if they weren't registering because they didn't come in the front door via check or electronic bill-pay (rather than direct transfer). Nobody seems to have checked the actual account.
I shall have a pleasant conversation tomorrow, let me tell you. Especially since they've probably screwed my credit rating. ARGH.
ION, rock on, shrift! That's awesome!
That is awesome, shrift! Also, how the hell do you walk so damn many steps every day?!? I mean, sure, this past Saturday and Sunday I walked about 14K steps...because I ran a 5K and went to a festival and walked to and from the bus to the race, etc. But most normal days I have a hard time getting more than maybe 7K (today, walking to and from dance class, and wearing it all during dance class) or on some days, 3K (while traveling--walk to gate, fly somewhere, drive somewhere, walk down some hallways, drive to hotel, sleep).
Would you look at the time... No alarm has gone off, I still have a cold. So wrong.
Best email of the week: "I don't have time to read the instructions! Just tell me what to do!"
please provide details about your conversation today. I feed off of people fighting bank injustices. It makes me stronger.
Mama Nubian is an early warrior in this arena. May her strength and skills guide you today.
I don't even dare telecommute; stupid reigns. Will call in to a few meetings and work on travel report between communing with the kleenex box.
Also? My coffee is not as good as the early morning cafe bars'.
I do not understand the White House Correspondents' Dinner. I thought it was for White House Correspondents-- but instead there are pictures of a lot of celebrities in attendence-- and not ones that are political in any way-- ones like Lindsay Lohan!
The press organizations invite fancy and/or famous people to sit at their tables, in hopes that the celebrity rubs off.
That's what I was going to say. Lindsay Lohan is still an odd choice, though.
I have to get blood drawn today. But then I think my dad is taking me to lunch, so that's a yay.
Adorable puppy!
Incredible huge boy!
Also - chiming in on missing folks.