working full time has gotten in the way of my posting .
And david would not want to hear about Cats ( not that that would stop me ) and talking about the lunatics at the library (actually there was a real one today) involves gestures and sounds effects
seriously, I have one line from pink floyd running through my head after today's lunatic. Really I prefer dealing with L , the semi-homeless hoarder with a shopping cart ,who ran for mayor ( and got votes ) and her delusions that every folk singer and country star will want to talk to her. My favorite line from L -- 'When I am mayor and earn a million dollars a year the library will be open until 9 every night'
David, you should check out the cartoon Motorcity on Disney XD. It looks great; it's very Big Daddy Roth.
It looked cool on the promos I've seen.
Am I the only person that does not get Adventure Time?
You're the only one.
I haven't watched it. It doesn't seem like it would be my sort of thing.
Uh, one of the main characters is named Marceline the Vampire Queen. And she's an angsty goth teen of about 1,000 years.
And she's an angsty goth teen of about 1,000 years.
Good grief, can you imagine being a teenager for 1000 years? The horror.
I haven't watched Adventure time yet. full time work gets in the way of things
the lunatic is in my head
I miss people too. I know I don't post as much as I used to, both because I am so busy at work, and because most of what I have to say when I do have time is the kind of stuff other people are mostly posting on Twitter, so I feel like maybe I shouldn't.
Maybe we should declare May to be Post More month.
I'll start!
My cats seem happy to see me.
Bubba seems to have decided he doesn't like me being gone, and he literally tried to trip me and then block the door when I tried to leave the house this morning.
Also, my poor back yard.
Good grief, can you imagine being a teenager for 1000 years? The horror.
Exactly. She turned the family's axe into a bass guitar. Her Dad is a narcisstic ruler in hell and they have a lot of issues.
I love the idea of Post More month.
I'm in favor of post more month.
and I 'll change my words in my song --same tune
the kitty cat is in my lap
Bubba seems to have decided he doesn't like me being gone, and he literally tried to trip me and then block the door when I tried to leave the house this morning.
I call that "playing defense". Rosie is very skilled at it.