You can ALL find fucked-up shit on your own!
Hey, a few weeks ago I posted an article about some guy giving himself a fecal transplant and nobody barely blinked. I guess I needed video.
is he a dog of contant sorrow?
I sing that to Walter all the time. Because he kind of is. He's known trouble all his days. And he left his home in old New Orleans where he was born and partly raised.
I could always start putting up weird Baltimore links that Lisah's friend from Smile Hon sends me..It's weird, because we don't even talk that much, but he still sends me things that only I would feel Complimented to get the note"Saw this and thought of you," attached to it.
Hey, a few weeks ago I posted an article about some guy giving himself a fecal transplant and nobody barely blinked.
That's just *cool.* Seriously. It's amazing that that works to cure intractable C. diff. The human body is awesome.
We were thinking of Starsky, but then I remembered that Hutch was the bling.
I love when autocomplete is revealing...
THE DH is on a weeklong solo motorcycle trip and called this afternoon to say he had just spent thre hours on the worst stretch of road he had ever ridden on. he said he had another two hours to go, but the fog was gone. THAT WAS FOUR HOURS AGO. I think he should call me, don't you?
we are calling him Ralph Stanley.
Love!! Also, E's hair is gorgeous.
I do not trust the people's report that he is fixed
It's usually pretty easy to tell on a boy dog.
Frank was super skinny (and "intact" as they say) when I first got him. He chubbed up pretty quickly. I still miss that little guy.
Ralph Stanley looks adorable!
Yes, Scrappy, it would be good for your DH to check in. It could be that the fog wasn't as clear as he'd hoped, and he's being extra slow and cautious.