That's great, Consuela!
I miss many people, but allergies have replaced my brain cells with mucous, so I can't spell names. I don't understand why the Planet Green channel is running a series on ancient Egypt, either. 'Cause . . . dessert? And climate change? Hieroglyphs and Buffistas are pretty. I need more allergy meds. Or wine.
I wish I could post more, and that folks would come back and post. In my case, it's a combination of new job, trying to be productive with my non-day job writing, and Tumblr.
Didn't we have some sort of Agnes Bertiz (sp) day where we invited people to stop by and say hi? Or was that just the opening of the Phoenix? It might be fun to do that again!
I miss Kathy A a lot, too, both because I really like her, and because I am not sure why she stopped posting.
I wish I had more to say. I'm thwarted during the day by the stupid keyboard on my phone and worry that maybe I'm just kind of boring.
Anyway, I miss all the missing people too.
I can take little looks at during the day, but as long as my boss is in the office I can't do much posting like I used to. That makes me sad.
Plus of course I'm missing all the people mentioned....
Maybe being thin when you weren't is kind of a head-fuck.
I know if I were walking, I probably wouldn't be posting.
(No, I would. Lame "Guess where I am?" ones.
Yeah, I can't post during the day either.
Didn't we have some sort of Agnes Bertiz (sp) day where we invited people to stop by and say hi? Or was that just the opening of the Phoenix? It might be fun to do that again!
We did invite people back at some time...for some anniversary?
I googled Agnes Bertiz recently. She seems to be an art historian/curator. (If that's the same one.)
My cats seem happy to see me. Or to play in my luggage, at least. Devi caterwauled the whole time I showered. I've got stacks of receipts to go through (though I seem not to need them, I'd rather not accidentally throw something away) and reconcile my atm withdrawls and I've got a load of laundry going is 2 in the morning in my head.