We haven't stopped laughing yet. (Also, well-played, NBC!)
Ha! Good one.
If your leg is pressed up against mine, I am already uncomfortable with this situation, but I am dealing with it because there's a finite amount of space.
That is ridiculous. There is no need for legs to be pressed up against on a plane. Even on a bus! NO NEED. WTF. Dear Sirs, Your balls are not that big.
Can we also share this with the guy who takes my shuttle?
It's times like that that I wish I was Vortex.
My goodness our office wastes food. I swear I can eat 2-3 lunches a week for free just on leftover food from meetings. In fact I can probably get some dinners covered this way also. after the meeting food just goes in the fridge for anyone. Today I have a huge amount of salad, also an entire tray of flour tortillas from Friday's lunch of fajitas. I will make mac quesadilla for dinner and use the others for breakfast burritos all week.
The thing that's actually better about the subway is that when you're standing, and someone's completely infringing on your personal space, you can bag-check them, hard. It's very satisfying.
Planes are just too small now, all around. I'm not a very big person, and I get into one of those seats and feel like a pretzel.
I swear I can eat 2-3 lunches a week for free just on leftover food from meetings. In fact I can probably get some dinners covered this way also.
It's always useful to learn to live off the land.
someone's completely infringing on your personal space, you can bag-check them, hard. It's very satisfying.
On planes, I try shifting around and sighing audibly, but apparently passive-aggressiveness doesn't work on some people.
There is no need for legs to be pressed up against on a plane.
Oh wait, do you mean in the ass/thigh area? Then it can be unavoidable. So then let's focus on the no jiggling. COME ON PEOPLE.
After every event involving food, my firm sends out an office wide email saying telling people to come help themselves. Sometimes they even supply take home containers
Speaking for those with bad hips/backs, holding your legs away from someone else in close quarters can result in significant pain. Sometimes it seems a good idea to apologize, sometimes it seems a good idea to ignore the entire situation, depending on how it seems your neighbor will react.
After every event involving food, my firm sends out an office wide email saying telling people to come help themselves. Sometimes they even supply take home containers
One of my first jobs out of college, I had to arrange for lunches for a lot of meetings. It was a software firm, and I usually had to station myself at the table outside the conference room to protect the lunches from the vultures.
On the other hand, I always made sure to order an extra lunch or two, just to make sure there was enough food to go around. Ahem.