Could someone do me a favor? I (er, finally) am getting around to deactivating my OKCupid account. I haven't looked at it in years -- pretty much since the day M and I got together -- but I never deleted it (I feel like maybe I tried and couldn't figure it out?) and I keep getting the occasional email and those Quiver emails. So I just logged in for the first time in years and disabled my account, but I want to make sure it worked. Can someone who has a current OKC account look me up (my username was risingtide, or possibly risingtide80) and let me know whether or not my profile is still showing up?
Thanks! (I'm about to head home from work but will check in later tonight.)
No one by either of those names!
So when do you suppose Gingrich will pull out?
Recently his campaign tried to register for the Nevada primary. Their $500 check for the filing fee bounced. Newt's campaign is not returning Nevada's calls.
This chick is
me. Lead developer on my primary platform has moved back to India, so although he still works for us, he can no longer be lead, because he's in the wrong timezone to deal with issues. Replacement developer has
initiative. In the middle of my worst working week on record, she's forcing me to hand hold her through all sorts of troubleshooting efforts I've also never done before. She's the one who had plenty of knowledge transfer before the old lead left. But she never
anything, unless I suggest she does it. No sense of urgency or that she's the only one working on anything. Driving me bonkers. This would be irritating at the best of times, but it's getting on my last nerve right now.
And that's it. What a frelling waste of many people's time.
Oh I've lived this. I'm so sorry Consuela. It should feel good that BigPeople liked it, but mostly it feels smacky that stupid won.
Also, Cash - I was sitting on my hands watching your fbook convo. I wanted to say that anyone who didn't immediately pony up $250k for each and every 'save' they make - to pay for school, food, medical and dental care through high school, strikes me as lacking conviction.
ETA - DOH, thank you Smonster for the clue. Don't post and try to get a 7yo to brush her teeth at the same time, is the lesson here.
(psst, Sox, that was Consuela, not Cash)
OMG Cash, I am totes jealous! Your own Lego minifig! That is the coolest thing in forever.
It should feel good that BigPeople liked it, but mostly it feels smacky that stupid won.
Yeah, it's just dumb. I spent all that time on it, and then someone said "No." Not, "Fix this and it's okay," but just "No."
This organization, I swear. Argh.
I love love the lego.
I love legos anyway and that is just the coolest shit.