Ginsberg is going to step down. Very soon would be my guess. I will send her a huge thank you for holding out through this election though. I am glad she got to serve on a court with 3 women. Thomas is too young to retire, right? I would like to see some of the charges against him get ground though.
The woman who is loudly complaining the elcetion is someone I generally get along with, but I have heard a few things come out of her office that if she is not careful I will get up and address with her. Not at all the sentiment, but work is not the place and her volume is unacceptable.
Ginsberg is going to step down. Very soon would be my guess. I will send her a huge thank you for holding out through this election though.
Yes, absolutely. I wonder how long she would have stayed if Romney had won.
I prefer to get my Limbaugh filtered through Jon Stewart.
Word. I can't bear to watch Fox directly in any form; it's one of the things I hate most about my office, that there's a couple of guys who love to watch Fox in the break room. Happily, the group they're in will be moving up to the 10th floor next summer and I won't have to put up with it for too much longer.
Thomas is too young to retire, right?
Well, he could anyway. But yeah, I doubt it--he'll stay out of spite, I suspect. And I bet Scalia will try to stick it out, since he won't want Obama to name his replacement.
I'd imagine medical necessity would have prevented her from serving the entirety of his term.
Her departure is going to be a blow to the Court (and the nation) regardless of the politics of her replacement though.
It's quiet here at work. I heard two stockers in the grocery store talking about the election, but they were talking 3rd parties and how Republicans aren't real Republicans, whatever that means. Little overt wailing, just a sense of glum.
I forget the intiative number, but "save California's ass" tax measure passed. Also the "tax the rich, but just tip money - not very much" passed too.
No. Prop 30, which is an increased sales tax as well as an income tax on earners over some amount passed. The other tax, proposed by Molly Munger, lost BIG.
I've never seen a physical iteration of Nate Silver. Is he a real person or a super computer?
I've never seen a physical iteration of Nate Silver. Is he a real person or a super computer?
He's been on Colbert twice! He looks exactly like you would expect a famous stats nerd to look.
NYT had/has a little video interview with him. here