How strange that you guys and me watch the very same thing on tv at the same time? [Yeah, morning for me, middle-of-the-night for you, but still.]
(The media here covers the USA election more than they cover our own, in a couple of months. Not just at this minute, for months. But, hey, it gave me my first glimpse to what it's like to be in a live watch'n'post!)
I ended up watching the speech and now I'm teary and tired, but also very happy. Look at that amazing first family!
After the terrible things Romney has said about Obama, I am not going to say he is classy.
I am glad he is streaming Obama's speech on his Web site though.
le n, I did not call him classy. I said it was a classy move.
There is a difference.
Man, he looks tired.
He arrived in Chicago about this time last night. The helicopters were loud and low flying.
Now let's see how the stock market reacts in the morning.
There is a difference
I suppose. Not sure I agree, but not worth arguing about!
Spoiler alert: Sam Wang is not going to eat a bug. He is not going to eat a really big bug either. But this article is still good reading: [link]
Can someone link me to the porn numbers?
Prop 30 was at 50% at the NPR live map when last I glanced. FWIW.
not sure what you need ita, but if it is CA propositions, here is a good tally: