Watching it on MSNBC. Romney was doing okay at the beginning but now he's being kind of a preachy smug dick.
Ryan still has a job (he won his Senate seat, didn't he?) and a future in the party, but where is Romney thinking he'll go in politics now? He's got nowhere to go but back to Bain or whatever corporation-person wants him.
It's the look on his face that's coming off as bitter to me.
Ryan's a Rep not a Senator.
I don't know, this speech is coming off as fairly classy and non-bitter to me.
He seems as gracious as it's possible for him to be. That's as much as I can say.
Ryan is in the House. I think if he had run for Senate he would have lost.
Has he spoken yet, I jsut got to CBS News and there's hugging going on.
He seems as gracious as it's possible for him to be. That's as much as I can say.
His circuits didn't melt!
Of course we also elected the douchewads Ron Johnson and Scott Walker, so there's no guarantee of sanity in cheeseland.
While you wait for the actual Obama speech, I give you Key and Peele's version - [link]
eta uhhhh, i don't think anyone's at work right now (billytea?) but this is NSFW.
Texts with my dad...
Dad: Bravo Colorado
Me: That we went blue or that we legalized recreational weed?
Dad: Both, but most importantly for your electoral collage votes.
Yeah, he lived the hippy era though I don't think he has touched the stuff in years.