Okay so as reply to the post about Hillary someone said:
"I am republican at heart...but I have always contended that if Hilary were to run I would vote for her : ) And I have to tell you that totally pisses Mark{assume this is her husband} off, but I think she has the brains and the balls to run this country : )"
I thought that was pretty awesome
So Romney team not conceding Ohio. It sounds like MSNBC is iffy on Tammy Baldwin too?
Now, Steph. This is hard for him. He's not getting his way and he just doesn't UNDERSTAND.
Doesn't understand MATH. Plus, he's claiming that MY county will go his way, and that is not true. BECAUSE I SAY SO.
Pete is worried that things have been called too soon for Obama, and that this will turn into another Gore/Bush clusterfuck.
sj, MARCIE, even on facebook, is your friend.
Yeah, I just told facebook I only want to see her pictures (her kids are cute), but no other status updates. I have had to do this for several people over the last few months. I'll give it a couple months for everything to hopefully settle down before I change them back.
But I'm hearing Virginia for Obama on FB.
Yeah. And Obama will probably get FL too.
If Nevada goes for Obama, then he doesn't need Ohio. So come on, Nevada!
But I'm hearing Virginia for Obama on FB.
Yeah. And Obama will probably get FL too.
But will Romney actually accept that, or will he be a douche who keeps us all up all night?