Direct quotes from ND and my 22 year old niece:
Yay! I'm so excited Obama won! This just shows how ignorant, stupid, and blind our country is! Congratulations all you blind idiots! Now we get Obama care and more of our tax money goes to the illegal boarding hoping ass holes! You people are so smart!!!
And btw, I'm going to quit my job, have 4 kids, smoke pot, and live on welfare. This way Obama supporters can support my horse, iPhone, and spending habit!
So, is Obama not coming out and giving his acceptance speech because Romney won't call and concede?
I'm having horrible 2000 flashbacks.
And after all the sturm und drang, Ohio and Florida weren't even required--but it'll be nice to seal the deal.
his hair will rise up and revolt.
Pix, you have my sympathy. One acquaintance on FB has posted repeatedly tonight how stupid the voters are. I have always gotten along very well with her, but we don't usually talk about politics. I'm one post away from blocking her.
Trump has been revolting for years.
And Trump's called for a revolution.
I'm hoping for a dance dance revolution.
So American actually RE-elects a black man for president. I'm sure some people were thinking "Oh, it was a fluke, they'll come to their senses." No, sorry, reactionary nitwits, this is a different world now. Of course, when we elect the second black man, then things will be actually different. Which next, do you think, a woman or a a Hispanic?
Check this article: [link] First paragraph:
HERE is a warning from Politico: even if Barack Obama wins tonight, even if he wins a popular-vote as well as an electoral-college majority, he will not win with the right kind of votes. Now, I know what you're thinking: a vote is a vote is a vote. If only it were that simple. As the article explains, "If President Barack Obama wins, he will be the popular choice of Hispanics, African-Americans, single women and highly educated urban’s possible he will get a lower percentage of white voters than George W. Bush got of Hispanic voters in 2000. A broad mandate this is not." Absolutely. How dare he try to cobble together a majority using blacks, Latinos, single women (not to mention Asians, Jews and gays, all of whom will support Mr Obama by large majorities), "highly educated urban whites" and leave "real" white people out. Perhaps to correct for this strategy we ought to weight non-white votes differently from white votes. Three-fifths has a nice historical ring to it, doesn't it?
So Rove is telling Fox they called OH too soon.
Woah, Fox is now total farce -- they're dragging in their decision desk to explain to Karl Rove why they called Ohio for Obama.