In contrast to the awesome woman who voted while in labor, Will knows someone who has never voted. The guy plays Star Wars online with Will and his friends and he's 58 years old, never registered to vote and never voted and Will said he kept bitching about Romney.
Will was like "If I'd know this months ago I'd have found out where he could register and kept after him to vote." is back up.
Don't forget to refresh if you see the old cached copy.
The midwest results are going up now, and that's why the center of the map is going red.
Okay, I'm off to the gym to hang from ropes and get some endorphins going. Hang tight, Buffistas!
The Warren tweets were a hoax!
Oh lord. EMILY's List congratulated her on Facebook.
This is not the crowd for Veterans Day humor, now I know...
Oh, heh.
Virginia is tightening up - in the 10 minutes since I last refreshed Romney's lead has gone from 54/45 to 51/47 with 46% of precincts counted.
According to, the best bellwether county in VA is Montgomery County. Obama's winning there 49.8% to 47.6%, with 71% of the vote counted. Change from 2008 looks pretty slight. (Of course, there may be more Republican-leaning precincts yet to be counted, but better this than the reverse.)
Someone just posted on FB that Wisconsin was called for Obama, but I don't know where she saw that.
NBC called WI.
NBC also just called out that the Warren call was a hoax.
Yeah, I just asked her, and she said MSNBC called Wisconsin for Obama.
We have ABC on, and they are dragging their asses.