When I was in second grade we did a vote for the election, I guess it was Carter v Reagan but there was another candidate and I voted for him because he looked like my grandfather.
I was the only one who did, everyone else voted for Carter or Reagan, but I had no idea about the elections or what was going on beyond we voted for a president.
there was another candidate and I voted for him because he looked like my grandfather.
This was why Mal was a McCain voter last time.
I'm listening to NPR and watching the local Fox station with the sound off. I will be here with you as long as I can be. I ingesting much chocolate and some alcohol, and junk food in general.
I will be switching to the Daily Show when they go live.
Overall, things sound good for Obama. (Reading Kos and Sullivan's live-blogging.)
My glass of lambic is gone, do I move to beer or wine?
Fox has Obama at 78 and Romney at 88.
Ohio has Obama at 59%, but the ABC people keep saying it's because of the early votes, as if today's votes aren't going to go for Obama. Hello! Two votes for Obama on my couch right now!
Hearing all the figures for money spent on elections, I wonder how that breaks down in the economy. printing? ad buys? consultants? what gets the most money? And how have these long election cycles helped those industries?
I'm flipping between many different channels on TV, and keeping track of the MA Senate race on my computer.