If it helps, my friend (and fellow Hoya) the Congressman thinks he is the least successful of his college roommates.
Hah! Now I'm thinking....none of my old roommates have become congresscritters yet. That I know of--I'm not in touch with my freshman roommate. Of the rest...one has a master's in counseling, two have law degrees (one from Harvard), one has two masters' in linguistics, but didn't end up getting her PhD, one dropped out of college and has three kids, and one I'm not sure what she's doing for work, but has a kid and a professor husband. Hmm. I think I'm doing middle of the pack on that one.
If Obama wins, by next week, he's gonna close all the banks and soldiers will be MARCHING in the STREETS!
If Obama wins, by next week, he's gonna close all the banks and soldiers will be MARCHING in the STREETS!
How will the soldiers have time, when they'll be gay-marrying each other?
The whole federal government will be SHUT DOWN!
We will have Sharia law. With socialism and atheism as well as mandatory gay-marrying.
upthread, someone said that conservatives fear if Obama wins these will be the last free elections. I fear the same thing. I can see an armed group of ultraconservatives taking over and making sure it is our last.
But I'm paranoid since hearing the TAL about the New Hampshire State House.
In other words, when a conservative says that they think it will be the last election, I wonder if they are voicing a fear or a threat.
I heard they are going to take our guns and replace them with Qurans!
ION, my boss just told me that the standard HR response here to my question about if I can work from home while waiting for a delivery is "no." Are you kidding me with that? I would be happy with a day off, but I think I have too much work to do! My boss is allowed to use her discretion, though.
Also, do they not understand exactly how much time I can spend not-working while I'm sitting here??
In other words, when a conservative says that they think it will be the last election, I wonder if they are voicing a fear or a threat.
You and me both, Kat. I keep trying to tone down my paranoia for DH & the kids, but part of me truly fears violence .