Those, by themselves, are not sufficient differences to cause this huge divide.
Yeah, it is, for me, because all those differences come from self-imposed ignorance, and I can't respect that.
They are if you belong to any of the marginalized groups being marginalized by their politics.
And that, too.
You guys, I just sent my first work-related tweet. I feel terrible about it.
You guys, I just sent my first work-related tweet. I feel terrible about it.
Why? (see above work-related rant)
I don't tweet, so is there something bad about tweeting about work?
Also, I think our country is suffering from lack of politeness and manners. And I blame the internet and cable news. My extended family includes some Republicans, and I think they are genuinely thoughtful and not all that knee-jerk and probably also a little racist, but I don't know any of that for a fact, because
we don't talk about politics.
Yeah, the car CEOs are NOT HAPPY.
I don't tweet, so is there something bad about tweeting about work?
Oh, just mostly because I want to keep the twitter separate from my work life. But I was trying to find out something quickly, and thought that might help. (It didn't.)
I know what you mean. I have to keep my twitter from my work life. I don't want nasty GOP folks to reign down disapproval. And they would.
"Chrysler gave its entire work force the day off to Vote Today!"
The Detroit 3 usually have Election Day off. It's been in the union contracts since 2000 or so. It may differ between salaried and hourly workers and/or union/non-union, but at GM non-union employees get all of the holidays union employees have.
That tweet may be a bit disingenuous.
Here's a nice break from politics. This is by far the best video I've seen of cats chasing a laser pointer:
Cats Chasing Lasers in Dramatic Slow Motion, Caught With a GoPro
Yeah--I think for me, it's what Plei said. I'll be seriously disappointed if Romney wins (or in my state, if McKenna wins) etc. But what I'm actually worried about is my visceral response to the various marriage amendments (Maine, Minnesota, Maryland, and Washington). When it got voted on in North Carolina last year (was it last year?) I kind of assumed there wouldn't be a good result...but I was shocked at how much I cried and felt personally attacked and hated, when it was not what I had hoped, even if it was what I had expected. And that's a state that I don't live in and never have! So...yeah.