I AM awake! I even have worked for an hour already.
And I am registered as an independent, and am actually voting for one Republican! Because I agree with 75% of her voting record on many issues and the other candidate is...um...challenged and seems woefully inept, although a Dem?
All right, prepping to schlep self to polls! Wish me quick lines!
In line to vote. About twenty people ahead of me. Definitely a shorter line than 2008.
I should go outside and see if there's a line yet.
Can you leave a space on a ballot unmarked?
Yes, FTR.
On the not telling kids they are wrong thing, I heard something interesting at work about how, in sports, kids learn to work through failure and get better, but a lot of them don't learn that in school. This was in the context of poor kids who fail once and figure it's all over, but I think also applies to smart kids who get told they are great constantly. It doesn't help anyone actually learn if they never hear "that's wrong, but you can work to get it right." I'm still grateful I took the hard Physics class in high school and learned that lesson then.
Question for the (other) political tragics: which websites will you be obsessively refreshing today/tonight? My websites skew to the wonkish:
Sam Wang: [link]
Nate Silver: [link]
Electoral Vote: [link]
That last website is promising to update its maps (Presidential and Senate) as results come in. Could look pretty skewy when you're at, say, 3% of the vote counted; but should be interesting to see the picture unfold.
My mom voted at 6:30 and got in and out, no line. In another county, but still. I am eating a bagel and then going to go vote. And then have the jitters all day.
Unrelatedly, I had a dream last night that the Beatles were performing with a marching band, playing "Light My Fire." Even within the dream, everyone knew that was a world of wrong.
In Rochester I have never experienced lines. I just voted and I was number 22. I miss the old style voting machines
God, that's an excellent point, Jesse. When a kid shoots a soccer ball and misses no one yells, "GREAT GOAL." The feedback is instant on got it or didn't.
Also, in my class, if we are reading something challenging, which happens a lot, and a kid gives an answer that is a misread and I say, "Interesting thought. Anyone else?" It's already obvious that the kid is wrong. The interesting thought bit is just...pandering.
I'm up because Grace's alarm has been going off intermittenly since 3:00. I also have to give grades today which is bleh.
Florida turning blue is a very good sign. It means that pollsters have been talking to people who have already voted, and they have been adjusting their assumptions of who or who isn’t a likely voter.
God, that's an excellent point, Jesse. When a kid shoots a soccer ball and misses no one yells, "GREAT GOAL." The feedback is instant on got it or didn't.
And if you can't run a mile today, the conventional wisdom is that if you work at it, you will be able to mext month (or whatever). Even within the context of different starting points and natural ability, you can work to get better.