I think it's jury-rig and jerry-built, meara. I bet Beverly knows, she knows things.
My kids are writing the most hilarious stories! Franny's has a heroine who whines all the time, and Isaac's hero complains about his mother who nags him and his dad who is impossible to wake up. Ah ha ha ha ha! What's that line again? Oh yes: write what you know.
Oh yes: write what you know.
I took that advice and ended up working on a novel about interstellar porn. It was my NaNoWriMo lasat year. I should finish that sucker.
is it jury-rig and jerry-built, or the other way around?
I don't know if they have any answers, but my co-workers have opinions on that. [link]
But racist, right?
That is my understanding.
But racist, right?
About Germans? I'm having vague memories. I suppose that's what the internet is for.
Hmm, one source I found says:
"Jerry-built", which the OED defines as "built unsubstantially of bad materials; built to sell but not last" is attested since 1869, and is said to have arisen in Liverpool. It has been fancifully derived from the Biblical city of Jericho, whose walls came tumbling down; from the prophet Jeremiah, because he foretold decay; from the name of a building firm on the Mersey; from "jelly", signifying instability; from French _jour_="day" (workers paid day-by-day considered less likely to do a good job); and from the Romany _gerry_="excrement". More likely, it is linked to earlier pejorative uses of the name Jerry ("jerrymumble", to knock about, 1721; "Jerry Sneak", a henpecked husband, 1764; "jerry", a cheap beer house, 1861); and it may have been influenced by "jury-rigged".
"Jerry" as British slang for "a German, especially a German soldier" is not attested until 1898 and is unconnected with "jerry-built".
I hope that means I can still say jerry-built and jerry-rigged, which are useful terms in my vocabulary. It had never occurred to me before now that it might be a slur against Germans.
the whole concept of interstellar porn is giving me the giggles.
Well, I'm half-German and I don't give a fuck. Or maybe that's the Finn in me.
The pissy is downgraded to seriously annoyed. Eating dinner seems to have helped.