I don't have a blog, but I try to clean up my polish slop over before I post a pic of my manicure to facebook. The skin on the hands makes me think the blogger is elderly. It has that paper quality that older skin gets.
Last night I was changing polish and K-Bug's new boyfriend was curious and seemed to like the design I eventually ended up with (took a few tries). I've never had a guy be that interested. I have to make a Costco run and he is giddy about going with me (the Costco part, not the with me part).
Rachel Maddow blogged that many marathoners are donating their room reservations (assuming pre-paid) to locals who lost their homes. Agreed that it should have been cancelled earlier.
Consuela, I am so glad to hear your mom finally agreed! That has to be a huge relief.
Pink is icky and girly, and they are big strong women, so anything pink (even with equal stats) seems to bother them.
Heh. I had the same attitude from 19-35 (with a dash of "I'm too cool to wear anything brighter than muted blue" @@) but them I remembered I look freaking GREAT in most pinks and I'm as badass as I wanna be no matter what color I wear. (Except orange or yellow. Those shades with my complexion make me look like I am dying. Not a Badass Look.)
I will say I am so fucking over everything for women* being breast cancer pink. Pink itself I don't have an issue with.
*hyperbole alert
Personally, I might be less over it if it meant any kind of significant funding going anywhere responsible. (But maybe not.)
Even I am over that specific pinkness.
Good god. Apparently someone was held up at gunpoint a block from my house, for their iphone, at 12:45PM this afternoon. WTF?!?! Quiet residential street!
This is my shade of pink.
I don't care what meaning other people are attaching to it. It's a colour I like.
I am so fucking over everything for women* being breast cancer pink. Pink itself I don't have an issue with.
Word, Brenda.
Y'all know I work in an organization that, my office notwithstanding, has a lot of men in it. Like, the meeting I was in yesterday had 20 men and 3 women in it.
So right now they're pushing this "Movember for Men's Health" thing, where the men all grow mustaches to support awareness of men's health issues.
And it's really hard not to say, "Because nobody pays attention to men's health? Seriously?" Men are the default! Men are the ones the studies are done of! Men are the baseline.
But I won't, because I don't need a reputation.