Hey, new adhesive release method! It's a little weird realizing that my problems with bandages are simliar to neonates and the elderly. But whatever, because now maybe bandages won't tear up my skin so badly.
I'm totally treating it as a pre-funk for my birthday the next day.
They should serve absinthe as one of the DRINK HEAVILY options.
I think I need this method too!
They should serve absinthe as one of the DRINK HEAVILY options.
Man, my formerly-gothy editor and I would get SO smashed. And then burble at each other about Robert Smith and Tim Burton.
Huh, I need that new medical adhesive tech, too. Because I have yet to find a bandage that doesn't wreck my skin.
I haven't found adhesive that doesn't wreck my skin (though some are better than others) and I haven't found a method of bubblewrapping myself efficiently enough that I don't need bandages held on by adhesive some of the time. So, yay, medical breakthrough.
Man, my formerly-gothy editor and I would get SO smashed. And then burble at each other about Robert Smith and Tim Burton.
This only makes me want this to happen and also to get a web feed.
The St. Bernard really wants his dinner. I think. But he's not getting it yet!
A kid barfing in the pool tonight really did not help with my getting things done in a leisurely manner tonight. OTOH, it only put me 30 minutes off. I just really wanted those extra 30 minutes.
Next up: hair dyeing and vacuuming while it sets.
They should serve absinthe as one of the DRINK HEAVILY options.
And then set it on fire, like in Vegas!
It's a little weird realizing that my problems with bandages are simliar to neonates and the elderly. But whatever, because now maybe bandages won't tear up my skin so badly.
It took longer for the wounds from the medical tape holding the bandages over my back surgery incision to heal that it did for the incision to heal. The human body is fucked up, yo.
Unrelatedly, I DEEPLY resent seeing both political ads AND Christmas commercials. I'd like to get through politician-buying season before I start buying Christmas presents.